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Journal Publications

8 first-author, 13 co-author, 3+ in preparation



Poppe, S., Cornillon, A., Morand, A., Harnett, C. (2024). Gravity affects magma-induced deformation and dynamic fracturing:  comparing laccoliths on the Moon, Mars, and Earth. Submitted to Earth and Space Science.

Pre-print available on EarthArXiv.


Brož, P., Poppe, S. et al. LUnar Geology Orbiter concept to study lunar Irregular Mare patches and lava tubes from orbit. In review, Acta Astronautica.


Zambrowska, A., Mège, D., Poppe, S. (2024). Geology of the polyphase Olympcia - Jovis Fossae channel system. Journal of Maps, 20(1).


Poppe, S., Wauthier, C., Fontijn, K. (2024). Inversions of surface displacements in scaled experiments of analog magma intrusion. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL106805.


Morand, A., Poppe, S., Harnett, C., Cornillon, A., Heap, M., Mège, D. (2024) Fracturing and dome-shaped surface displacements above laccolith intrusions: Insights from Discrete Element Method modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB027423.


Kervyn, M., Barette, F., Poppe, S., Smets, B., Syavulisembo Muhindo, A., Kambale, Makundi J., Ngunzi Kahashi, Y., Kambale Ndagana, J., Mossoux, S., Kervyn, F., Michellier, C. (2024) Assessing lava flow susceptibility at neighbouring volcanoes: Nyamulagira and Nyiragongo volcanoes, Virunga Volcanic Province. Journal of Applied Volcanology, 13:5.



Holohan, E.P., Poppe, S., Delcamp, A., Byrne, P.K., Walter, T.R., van Wyk de Vries, B., Kervyn, M. (2023). Transition from volcano-sagging to volcano-spreading. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 604, 118012.



Poppe, S., Gilchrist, Y., Breard, E., Graettinger, A. & Pansino, S. (2022). Analog experiments in volcanology: towards multimethod, upscaled and integrated models. Bulletin of Volcanology, 84:52.


Smitarello, D., Smets, B., Barriere, J., Michellier, C., Oth, A., Shreve, T., Grandin, R., Theys, N., Brenot, H., Cayol, V., Allard, P., Caudron, C., Chevrel, O., Darchambeau, F., De Buyl, P., Delhaye, L., Derauw, D., Ganci, G., Geirsson, H., Kamate Kaleghetso, E., Kasereka Mahinda, C., Kervyn, M., Kimanuka Ruhiro, C., Le Mevel, H., Makundi J., Molendijk, S., Namur, O., Nguomoja, I., Poppe, S., Schmid, M., Subira, J., Wauthier, C., Yalire, M., d'Oreye, N., Kervyn, F., Syavulisembo Muhindo, A. (2022). Precursor-free eruption triggered by edifice rupture at Nyiragongo volcano. Nature, 609, 83–88.



Poppe, S., Holohan, E.P., Rudolf, M., Rosenau, M., Galland, O., Delcamp, A., & Kervyn, M. (2021). Mechanical properties of quartz sand and gypsum powder (plaster) mixtures: implications for laboratory model analogues for the Earth’s upper crust.  Tectonophysics, 814, 228976.

           Pre-print available on EarthArXiv


Walker, R., Stephens, T.L., Greenfield, C., Gill, S., Healy, D., & Poppe, S. (2021). Segment tip geometry of sheet intrusions, I: Theory and numerical models for the role of tip shape in controlling propagation pathways. Volcanica, 4(2), 189-201.

           Pre-print available on EarthArXiv



Poppe, S., Galland, O., de Winter, N., Goderis, S., Claeys, P., Debaille, V., Boulvais, P., & Kervyn, M. (2020). Structural and geochemical interactions between magma and sedimentary host rock: the Hovedoya case, Oslo Rift, Norway. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21:3, e2019GC008685.


Grosse, P., Poppe, S., Delcamp, A., van Wyk de Vries, B., & Kervyn, M. (2020). Volcano growth versus deformation by strike-slip faults: morphometric characterization through analogue modelling. Tectonophysics, 781, 228411.


Dille, A., Poppe, S., Mossoux, S., Soulé, H., & Kervyn, M. (2020). Modelling lahars on a poorly eroded basaltic shield: Karthala volcano, Grande Comore Island. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 369.



Poppe, S., P. Holohan, E., Galland, O., Buls, N., Van Gompel, G., Keelson, B., Tournigand, P.-Y., Brancart, J., Hollis, D., Nila, A., & Kervyn, M. (2019). An inside perspective on magma intrusion: Quantifying 3D displacement and strain in laboratory experiments by dynamic X-ray Computed Tomography. Frontiers in Earth Science – Volcanology, 7:62.



Barette, F., Poppe, S., Smets, B., Benbakkar, M., & Kervyn, M. (2017). Spatial variation of volcanic rock geochemistry in the Virunga Volcanic Province: Statistical analysis of an integrated database. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 888-903.



Poppe, S., Smets, B., Fontijn, K., Bagalwa Rukeza, M., De Marie Fikiri Mugabo, A., Birimwiragi Namogo, D., ... Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2016). Holocene phreatomagmatic eruptions alongside the densely populated northern shoreline of Lake Kivu, East African Rift: timing and hazard implications. Bulletin of Volcanology, 78(82).


Smets, B., Delvaux, D., Ross, K-A., Poppe, S., Kervyn De Meerendre, M., d'Oreye, N., & Kervyn, F. (2016). The role of inherited crustal structures and magmatism in the development of rift segments: Insights from the Kivu basin, western branch of the East African Rift. Tectonophysics, 683(30), 62-76.


Mossoux, S., Delcamp, A., Poppe, S., Michellier, C., Canters, F., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2016). Hazagora: will you survive the next disaster? – A serious game to raise awareness about geohazards and disaster risk reduction. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16, 1-13.


Mossoux, S., Saey, M., Bartolini, S., Poppe, S., Canters, F., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2016). Q-LAVHA: A flexible GIS plugin to simulate lava flows. Computers & Geosciences, 97, 98-109.


Poppe, S., P. Holohan, E., Pauwels, E., Cnudde, V., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2015). Sinkholes, pit craters, and small calderas: Analog models of depletion-induced collapse analyzed by computed X-ray microtomography. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 127, 281-296.


In preparation



Poppe, S. , Heap, M., Mikhaili, S., Cousins, C., Mège, D. From megafloods to habitats: A new estimate of high permeability of the Martian crust.


Poppe S. et al. Emplacement of trachyandesite intrusions in Late-Permian sediments of the Intra-Sudetic Synclinorium, Poland.


Morand A. et al. Modelling of magma-induced fracturing and displacement in weakened host rocks.


And some more...



Book Chapters


Delcamp, A., Poppe, S., Detienne, M., & Paguican, E. M. (2018). Destroying a volcanic edifice - interactions between edifice instabilities and the volcanic plumbing system. In S. Burchardt (Ed.), Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems: Understanding Magma Transport, Storage, and Evolution in the Earth's Crust (pp. 231-257). Elsevier.





Poppe, S. (2019). Magma intrusion and related deformation of the Earth's upper crust in nature and analog experiments. Ph.D. Thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.



Poppe, S. (2012). Collapse calderas on basaltic shield volcanoes: comparing analogue models and the Karthala caldera complex, Grande Comore. M.Sc. thesis, Ghent University, 175pp.


Data sets


Poppe, S., Cornillon, A., Morand, A., Harnett, C.E. (2024). Discrete Element Method model results of laccolith intrusion inflation on the Moon, Mars, and Earth [Data set]. Zenodo.



Poppe, S., Buls, N., Van Gompel, G., Keelson, B., Tournigand, P.-Y., & Kervyn, M. (2023). Scaled laboratory experiments of analogue magma intrusion in granular material: X-ray Computed Tomography imagery and displacement data [Data set]. Zenodo.


Morand, A., Poppe, S., Harnett, C., Cornillon, A., Heap, M., & Mège, D. (2023). Discrete Element Method model results of fracturing and displacements above laccolith intrusions [Data set]. Zenodo.



Poppe, S., Holohan, E.P.; Rudolf, M.; Rosenau, M.; Galland, O.; Delcamp, A.; Van Gompel, G.; Buls, N.; Soens, B.; Pohlenz, A.; Mourgues, R.; Kervyn, M. (2021): Mechanical test data of quartz sand, garnet sand, gypsum powder (plaster), kaolin and sand-plaster mixtures used as granular analogue materials in geoscience laboratory experiments. GFZ Data Services.


Grosse, P., Poppe, S., Delcamp, A., van Wyk de Vries, B., & Kervyn, M. (2020). Data set to ''Volcano growth versus deformation by strike-slip faults: morphometric characterization through analogue modelling' [Data set]. Zenodo.


Poppe, S., Galland, O., de Winter, N.J., Goderis, S., Claeys, P., Debaille, V., Boulvais, P., Kervyn, M. (2020). Major and trace bulk sample and micro-XRF geochemistry, carbon and oxygen stable isotope compositions of magmatic and sedimentary rocks from Hovedøya Island, Oslo fjord, Norway. [Data set]. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Zenodo.


Digital or Visual Products


Smets, B., & Poppe, S. (2016). Volcanological map of Nyamulagira and Nyiragongo, Virunga Volcanic Province, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. Tervuren, Belgium: Royal Museum for Central Africa.



Media Contributions (short selection)

"Dr Sam Poppe, New approaches to understanding volcanic activity on planetary bodies." (2024). Research summary article, Scientia Global,


Poppe, S. (2018). Hoe gevaarlijk zijn vulkanen? Knack (National), Belgium, Opinion piece, Web


Poppe, S. (2018). Kunnen we vulkanologen 100% vertrouwen? Universiteit van Vlaanderen, movie


Poppe, S. (2018). Waarom blijven mensen rond vulkanen wonen? Universiteit van Vlaanderen, movie


Poppe, S. (2017). Vulkanen: waar as is, is magma., blog, Belgium, Web,


Poppe, S. (2015). Karthala barst: bewaking van een actieve vulkaan in een ontwikkelingsland., blog, Web,



Conference Abstracts

31 First author, 20+ Co-author


Poppe, S., Kervyn De Meerendre, M., & Jacobs, P. (2010). The influence of spreading and intrusion on the deformation of elongated volcanoes through analogue modeling. In 1st International Geosciences Student Conference (IGSC1), Bucharest, Romania


Poppe, S., Kervyn De Meerendre, M., Soulé, H., Cnudde, V., De Kock, T., & Jacobs, P. (2012). Volcano-tectonic architecture of a Caldera Complex, Karthala volcano, Grande Comore: new field observations. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 14). EGU General Assembly 2012.


Poppe, S., Kervyn De Meerendre, M., Soulé, H., Cnudde, V., De Kock, T., & Jacobs, P. (2012). Volcano-tectonic architecture of a Caldera Complex, Karthala volcano, Grande Comore: new field observations. IVth Caldera Collapse Commission Workshop.


Poppe, S., Kervyn De Meerendre, M., Pauwels, E., & Cnudde, V. (2013). Characterizing analogue caldera collapse with computerized X-ray tomography. In 1st International conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS 2013) (pp. 43-46).


Poppe, S., Smets, B., Albino, F., Kervyn, F., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2013). A new volcano-structural map of the Virunga Volcanic Province, D.R.Congo and Rwanda. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 15). EGU General Assembly 2013.


Poppe, S., Holohan, E., N. Boone, M., Pauwels, E., Cnudde, V., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2013). Characterizing analogue caldera collapse with computerized X-ray micro-tomography. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 15). EGU General Assembly 2013.


Poppe, S., P. Holohan, E., N. Boone, M., Pauwels, E., Cnudde, V., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2013). Analogue caldera collapse models characterized with radiography and computerized X-ray micro-tomography. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2013.


Poppe, S., Smets, B., Albino, F., Kervyn, F., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2013). Re-interpretation of the Mugogo 1957 eruption in the framework of the volcano-tectonic structure of the Virunga Volcanic Province, D.R.Congo and Rwanda. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2013.


Poppe, S., Smets, B., Albino, F., Grosse, P., D'oreye De Lantremange, N., Kervyn, F., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2014). Assessing the spatio-temporal variation of eruption hazard in a poorly known volcanic region : the Virunga Volcanic Province, Central-Africa. In Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen – Contactdag Jonge vorsers


Poppe, S., Holohan, E., Pauwels, E., Cnudde, V., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2014). Overburden bulking in analogue models of depletion-induced collapse quantified with computed X-ray micro-tomography. In GeoMod 2014 - Modelling in Geosciences Potsdam, Germany.


Poppe, S., Smets, B., Bagalwa Rukeza, M., De Marie Fikiri Mugabo, A., Kyambikwa Milungu, A., Birimwiragi Namogo, D., ... Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2014). Stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating of phreatomagmatic deposits on the northern shoreline of Lake Kivu (DRCongo). In IAVCEI - 5th International Maar Conference Querétaro, Mexico.


Poppe, S., Smets, B., Albino, F., Grosse, P., D'oreye De Lantremange, N., Kervyn, F., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2014). Volcano morphology and eruptive hazard of the Virunga Volcanic Province: Combining colonial-time reports, satellite images and new field observations in a conflict zone. In Cities on Volcanoes 8


Poppe, S., Bagalwa Rukeza, M., De Marie Fikiri Mugabo, A., Smets, B., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2014). Explosive volcanic activity along the urbanized Northern shoreline of Lake Kivu, DRCongo and Rwanda. In Cities on Volcanoes 8 Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


Poppe, S., Delcamp, A., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2015). Advanced imaging and quantification of volcano deformation in analogue models using computed X-ray micro-tomography. In 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015: VW05 Workshop on Quantitative Analogue Models in Volcanology Prague.


Poppe, S., Grosse, P., Smets, B., Albino, F., Kervyn, F., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2015). Morphometry of large and small cones in the Virunga Volcanic Province, East-African Rift. In 6th Belgian Geography Days Brussels.


Poppe, S., Grosse, P., Smets, B., Albino, F., Kervyn, F., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2015). Spatial distribution and morphology of satellite cones in the Virunga Volcanic Province (Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo). In 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015 Prague.


Poppe, S., Holohan, E. P., Rosenau, M., Mourgues, R., Van Gompel, G., Buls, N., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2016). Characterising the physical properties of granular crustal analogues in laboratory experiments imaged with X-ray Computed Tomography. 24-25. Abstract from Geomod 2016, Montpellier, France.


Poppe, S., Grosse, P., Barette, F., Smets, B., Albino, F., Kervyn, F., & Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2016). Quantifying the morphometric variability of monogenetic cones in volcanic fields: the Virunga Volcanic Province, East African Rift. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 18). [EGU2016-5845] EGU General Assembly 2016.


Poppe, S., Galland, O., Buls, N., Van Gompel, G., Holohan, E., Rosenau, M., ... Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2017). An unusual patient: 4D X-ray Computed Tomography of analogue magma intrusion experiments. Abstract from IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2017, Portland, United States.


Poppe, S., Holohan, E., Galland, O., Buls, N., Van Gompel, G., Keelson, B., ... Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2018). An unusual patient: analog magma intrusion-induced host-rock deformation imaged and quantified with dynamic X-ray Computed Tomography. Abstract from AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C., United States.


Poppe, S., Buls, N., Van Gompel, G., Hollis, D., Nila, A., Brancart, J., ... Kervyn De Meerendre, M. (2018). An unusual patient: imaging and quantifying volcano deformation in laboratory experiments by using X-ray Computed Tomography. Abstract from 6th International Geologica Belgica 2018 Congress, Leuven, Belgium.


Poppe, S., Holohan, E.P., Galland, O., Kervyn, M. (2019). Magma-induced deformation of the Earth's upper crust in nature and in laboratory experiments scanned by X-ray Computed Tomography. LASI VI conference, Malargüe, Argentina.


Poppe, S., Hollis, D., Nila, A., Buls, N., Kervyn, M. (2019). An unusual patient: temporal imaging of 3D deformation in volcanological laboratory experiments by using X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Volume Correlation. Optimess 2019 conference, Antwerp, Belgium.


Poppe, S., Wauthier, C. (2020). Laboratory volcano geodesy: Inversion of three-dimensional surface displacements induced by analog magma intrusion in sandbox experiments. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2020.


Poppe, S., Wauthier, C. (2021). Laboratory volcano geodesy: Inversion of analogue magma-induced surface displacements. V-VMSG Annual General Meeting 2021.


Poppe, S., Wauthier, C., Fontijn, K. (2022). Elastic vs. plastic: Inversion of analogue magma-induced surface displacements in granular materials in laboratory experiments. In Geophysical Research Abstracts [EGU22-4902] EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria.


Poppe, S., Morand, A., Harnett, C., Awdankiewicz, M., Cornillon, A., Heap, M., Mege, D. (2022). Discontinuum modelling of magma emplacement below surface doming on the Moon, Mars and Earth analogues from the Polish Sudetes. Europlanet Science Congress, EPSC Abstracts, 16, EPSC2022-872.


Di Muro, A., Toiwilou, H., Ferrazzini, V., Smets, B., Soule, H., Froger, J.-L., Poppe, S., Benard, B., Liuzzo, M., Cayol, V., Bafakhi, S., Retailleau, L., Lauret, F., Magne, M., Brunet, C., Lecocq, T., Caudron, C., d'Oreye, N., Smittarello, D., and Lötter, F. and the Interreg Project Hatari Team members (2023). Managing the progressive awakening of Karthala volcano (Comoros Archipelago) after 14 years of quiescence: lessons learned from a long phase (2021-2023) of unrest., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8962,


Morand, A., Poppe, S., Harnett, C., Awdankiewicz, M., Cornillon, A., Heap, M., Mege, D. (2023). Magma emplacement, fracturing and surface deformation in a non-elastic host rock: A new Distinct Element Method model. Oral presentation, IAVCEI 2023 Scientific Assembly, 30 Jan - 3 Feb 2023, Rotorua, New Zealand.


Morand, A., Poppe, S., Harnett, C., Cornillon, A., Heap, M., Mege, D. (2023). Discrete Element Method modelling of fracturing and surface displacements during viscous magma intrusion. Poster, Geomod 2023 conference, 25 - 28 Sept 2023, Paris, France.


Poppe, S., Morand, A., Harnett, C. E., Cornillon, A., and Heap, M. (2023). A new model of deformation and dynamic fracturing above laccolith intrusions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1337,


Poppe, S., Morand, A., Cornillon, A., and Harnett, C. (2023). Modeling of surface displacement and dynamic fracturing during magma emplacement at floor-fractured craters on the Moon and Mars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16365,


Poppe, S., Morand, A., Harnett, C., Cornillon, A., Awdankiewicz, M., Heap, M., Mège, D. (2023). New models of displacement and dynamic fracturing during viscous magma emplacement: Terrestrial analogues, the Moon and Mars, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berlin, Germany,


Petronis, M.S., Awdankiewicz, M., Poppe, S., Adegoke, O.S., Foucher, M.S. (2023). Emplacement Style of the Post-Caldera Trachyandesite Intrusions Exposed at Gardzien Quarry: Insights from Structure, Photogrammetry, and Magnetic Anisotropy. AGU General Assembly 2023.


Allcorn, M., Foucher, M.S., Petronis, M.S., Poppe, S., Awdankiewicz, M. (2023). Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, drone imagery, and field magnetometry data from the Late Paleozoic Trachyandesites exposed at the Åšwierki quarry. AGU General Assembly 2023.


Poppe, S., Morand, A., Harnett, C. E., Cornillon, A., and Heap, M. (2024). Modelling magma-induced surface uplift and dynamic fracturing around laccoliths on the Moon, Mars, and Earth, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2138,


Poppe, S., Cornillon, A., Morand, A., Harnett, C. E., and Mège, D. (2024). Displacement and fracturing around laccolith intrusions affected by gravity on Mars versus the Moon, and Earth, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-761,


Poppe, S., Broz, P., Sofge, K., Kereszturi, A., Losiak, A., Hauber, E., Divoký, M., Kohout, T., Hargitai, H., Bohovic, R., Viru, J., Pajusalu, M., Carrer, L., Bruzzone, L., Gomes, R., Peace, J., Saimoon Islam, Q., Sauro, F., and Fernando, B. (2024). Studying lunar Irregular Mare Patches and lava tubes with the Lunar Geology Orbiter, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, EPSC2024-1275,



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