Science Communication
#SciComm. I passionately believe that communicating our science to an as broad as possible audience is an absolutely essential part of a scientists' job. Everyone benefits. Young people become fascinated by scientific discovery and may move on to pursue higher education in natural or social sciences. People are made aware of the use of science in building our society and exploring the Universe, ánd the uncertainties that come with scientific findings. Through interviews, journalists get to pass on accurate messages. "But you are spending a lot of time that could otherwise be spent on publishing papers and doing the actual research!" many colleagues would say. Nope! My involvement with science communication has been thé critical factor in training me as a professional communicator. Building short, clear, straightforward messages is an art that can only be mastered through practice, practice, practice. So much, so that my efforts earned me the Science Communication Year Prize in 2018.
Join me, and communicate your own research, or come and learn what I'm up to, and why volcanoes do what they do: create the most breathtaking, but also hazardous, spectacles throughout our Solar System.
Follow me on X/Twitter: @SamPVolcano